Health, safety and environment (HSE) has been considered in South Kaveh Steel Company as a serious operational requirement according to the industrial needs, social commitments and responsibilities, and national and international industrial requirements. Accordingly, determining targeted and coordinated directions and goals and establishing unified procedures corresponding to the needs and characteristics of the operational sphere of South Kaveh Steel Company in metal industries constitute a basic and important need in order to obtain the best performance levels and pave the way for comprehensive policymaking and establishing targeted, coherent, and integrated HSE management based on an active and predictive approach in order to completely follow the HSE requirements and rules in the field of safety, health, and the environment. This has been devised in the form of the safety, health, and environmental vision, mission, and policy of South Kaveh Steel Company.

The HSE Vision of South Kaveh Steel Company
Safety, health, and the environment (HSE) is considered as a priority and key value in South Kaveh Steel Company in pursuit of sustainable development and the protection of human resources and other stakeholders (contractors, advisors, customers, neighbors, and so on), as well as an attempt to become a pioneering and knowledge-base model in mineral and metal industries of the country and the Middle East at the level of the global class.

The HSE Mission of South Kaveh Steel Company
South Kaveh Steel Company is committed to establishing a safe and healthy work environment for all the employees and other stakeholders by managing issues related to safety, occupational health, and the environment as an inevitable part of its chain of activities. This company is also committed to establishing a positive interaction between its operational chain and the environment. Our main approach involves ensuring comprehensive and integrated management of safety, health, and environment throughout all the activities, equipment, facilities, and infrastructure in South Kaveh Steel Company through promoting the level of professional capabilities and transferring state of the art technical knowledge on HSE by emphasizing the following principles:
- Compatibility
South Kaveh Steel Company will be compatible with all the applicable rules, regulations, and standards. In order to ensure compatibility, the company will design and implement the necessary operational practices and plans. Compatibility with HSE standards is a key approach in trainings, developing goals and plans, performance appraisals, and incentives for the employees.
- Prevention
South Kaveh Steel Company designs and implements HSE management systems in order to prevent actions or circumstances that can be a threat to the health and safety of the human beings and the environment. South Kaveh Steel Company regularly endeavors to minimize dangers, protect the employees and other stakeholders, and prevent unchecked consumption of resources and the pollution of air, earth, and water by utilizing suitable technologies and operational methods.
- Commitment to Participation
South Kaveh Steel Company communicates its commitment to HSE to all the employees, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. The company calls for their participation in HSE meetings and in the course of developing the goals and plans of the company. Commitment to HSE plays a major role in recruiting employees and contractors.
- Constant Improvement
South Kaveh Steel Company constantly seeks to identify opportunities for constant optimization and improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of the HSE management system, the optimization of resource consumption, and abiding by the principles put forth in this statement.