In line with the policies of the Mostazafan Foundation of Islamic Revolution, and understanding the fact that there are various risks (threats and opportunities) in different procedural, strategic, and financial spheres, among others, and the fact that managing such risks is one of the most important measures of success for a company in its business endeavors, to South Kaveh Steel Company has adopted an integrated, dynamic, and continuous perspective for managing risks at various organizational departments by prioritizing the following objectives and policies:
- Developing and promoting organizational culture in the field of risk management;
- Expanding the capabilities and skills of the employees in the field of risk management;
- Streamlining risk management processes including identification, analysis, control, evaluation, and responding to risk in all key areas of the company in order to increase production, improve the quality of the products, increase exports, and improve the productivity of the human resources;
- Controlling, monitoring, and evaluating organizational risks in order to reduce accidents and increase the safety of the employees.
The scope of the risk management system in to South Kaveh Steel Company covers all the units and processes and a wide range of domestic and foreign stakeholders, including employees, shareholders, customers, and so on based on an integrated management system.
Data of obtaining the standard: 2020.05.09

This standard introduces requirements for protecting the environment and preventing the company’s pollutant from damaging the environment. Moreover, this standard greatly covers governmental rules and regulations related to the environment since the requirements set forth by this standard are well beyond national rules, regulations, and standards. The general requirements of the ISO 14001 Standard focus on identifying pollutants, or, in other words, environmental impacts and issues.
Date of obtaining the standard: 2017.09.08

The ISO 9001 Standard is known as the Quality Management System Standard. This means that the ISO 9001 Standard is seeking to establish a system that can manage quality throughout the organization. A systemic mindset and a process-focused approach are among the most important concerns of the ISO 9001 Standard. This standard looks at an organization as a system, and utilizes a process-focused perspective toward the organization to establish a conceptual relationship among organizational units as a means to improve communications and their quality in the organization, while providing better products and services to the customer. Moreover, the ISO 9001 Standard introduces requirements into the organization’s documentation to create a cohesive order. The organization is required to document the processes and actions that affect customer satisfaction and the manufacturing of high-quality products, while devising specific procedures for them so that the organization can create products with consistent quality.
Date of obtaining the standard: 2017.09.08

The ISO 18001 Standard is also called the Safety Management and Occupational Health Standard. This standard provides a number of requirements for organizations that want to maximize the safety of their employees. Moreover, this standard defines a number of requirements for a management system to empower the organization for controlling risks and improving its performance.
the date of obtaining the standard: 2017.11.15